About this website...
This website is meant as an online resource for anyone seeking to go deeper in their understanding of how the Scriptures apply modern life. The readings used are in accordance with the current iteration of the Sunday Lectionary, as made available by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. The readings may be accessed electronically at www.usccb.org/nab . Due to permissions restrictions, the text of the Scripture passages themselves are not reproduced here, but direct links are provided to the official USCCB website.
The reflections were originally produced in conjunction with the Small Church Community Program hosted by St. Mary Student Parish at the University of Michigan. All reflections are the original work of the author, but they may be used for individual and group study. If you wish to reproduce them for some other purpose, please contact mbayer@umich.edu with inquiries.
Small Church Communities...
SCCs are groups of 8-10 students who come together once per week for approximately an hour and a half to read the Scriptures for the coming Sunday and to discuss how the Word of God applies uniquely to their lives as college students, graduate students, or young professionals. Groups meet right in the dorms or at the apartments of their members, similar to the way members of the early Christian community would assemble in "house churches" to read the Scriptures, engage in extemporaneous midrash, and celebrate the Eucharist.
For more information about the SCC program at the University of Michigan, please contact Campus Minister Michael Bayer ( mbayer@umich.edu )
**Note: The current postings begin with the First Sunday of Advent, 2010 - Cycle A. I am hoping to upload archived reflections from previous cycles as soon as possible.